The scenario is always the same. Either we are saving for something, or we are already saving and now need a serious snooze. Of course, one does not need to live a life of complete abstinence with only bread and water, and that is impossible. Yes, one must limit oneself, but if one limits oneself wisely, one will be rewarded in ways other than more money in one\’s wallet.
investice a pojištění

  1. Don\’t replace appliances every year
  2. Buy only what you really eat = PLAN
  3. Less quality x less quality = always choose quality
  4. You can survive for months without alcohol
  5. Smoking cessation is also worth it
  6. Movies can still go, meat 2 or 3 times a week, even once is enough
  7. More protein, less sugar = less sweets
  8. Walk more

úspory v prasátku
These are some of the less extreme ways to save. For example, you can do 1+1 with your carrier\’s discount card, so you can only go to the cinema on certain days and enjoy movies with your beloved half or friends at half price. Alcohol, smoking, sugar, and sweets are all things you can live without, but of course no one wants you to notice. If you have trouble walking down the candy aisle at the store, at least look for a sale and buy accordingly.

More extreme savings examples include:

  1. Taking cold showers
  2. Taking short showers or baths
  3. Dressing warm rather than drowning
  4. Growing your own food as much as possible (even in an apartment!)
  5. Reduce unnecessary lighting and turn off appliances
  6. Stores and farmers throw away a lot of food without waste.

There is no need to be dogmatically restrictive. However, it is necessary when budgets are tight. Much of what we “abuse” now is completely unnecessary and just costs too much.

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