We clean and pack

First, it\’s good to think about whether we really want to take everything with us to new housing. Yes, you will definitely have some kind of relationship and lots of memories with your grandmother\’s big wall clock, but if you really want your new home and don\’t know about someone who wants them and will make him happy, try to offer them on the Internet. Currently, there are already many options in this direction. You can try to sell unnecessary things or just donate to ride. In any case, even if you do not have the heart to throw them away immediately, you will not worry about what to do with them.

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You will also need a box… A lot of boxes. Start looking for them in advance. Ideal is a large one made of hard corrugated paper. After that, you can write what you put in them, and you do not have to worry that the wine glasses you just bought recently will not fully arrive in your new nest. The box is also easier to handle and fits your car better than the bag.

Take a day off work. In addition to leave, they also need to provide unpaid leave at work in case of moving. As a rule, this is 1 day in the city, and 2 days when moving to another city. Of course, it also depends on the employer and how to arrange if they give you a lot of free days. But in the new housing, if you do not want to unpack things after the night, arrange a vacation in advance.

Also consider whether you can handle the move yourself or pay for the moving company. If you have a car, you can do it yourself. But note that it is not on the same path. Therefore, it is better to think about a moving company. The car is large enough to save you a lot of trouble and work.
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Finally new

When the journey is over, unpacking is waiting for you. Thanks to the box with the label, you can put things in individual rooms, and for you, the most important thing can begin to be gradually unpacked. If you want to combine business with pleasure, do not be afraid to even ask for help from someone from friends or family. Unpacking will go faster, and you will have a pleasant conversation with him.

Remember that moving can also involve certain procedures, such as reporting a change of residence to the relevant authorities, doctors, etc.

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