Great, you brought a new pool. You planted the pool in the hole provided. Or maybe you bought a pure above ground pool so you didn\’t even have to do that. Hooray. Hurry up and fill it with water, and tomorrow morning you\’ll be swimming in your garden pool.
In the morning, the bugs and leaves are already having a swimming contest on the surface of the pool, but oh well. Let\’s get in the new pool soon and have some fun. The sun shines on the pool all day long and we bring in leaves of grass from our feet as well as sand. There is something blooming all around. It\’s a beautiful day.
The next day, after arriving at the pool, we are not ready to jump in right away. There are more drowned insects, sand on the bottom, leaves floating on the surface, grass blades beneath them, and you can see the amount of pollen that has landed on the surface of the water. But you have a pool at home, so you can just go in the pool.
On the third day, as you are about to jump into the pool water, you reluctantly stop. What is it? The number of unwelcome swimmers has increased again, and the color of the water is no longer beautifully clear, but more like a green pond. Well, you really don\’t want to swim anymore, which is understandable. But what do we do? Drain all the water out and put new water in, which would be pretty expensive every three days.
You look at the manufacturer\’s instructions and search the Internet for sage advice. There is a problem. I hooked up my filtration system to my pool and forgot to add pool chemicals to the water. Not properly covering the pool against drowning insects and flying leaves. …… And instead of joy, there is worry.
So I visited the pool center again, this time following the salesman\’s advice and buying a filtration system, floats, appropriate chemicalsand a cover sheet and a pool vacuum to clean the bottom.
You spend all afternoon struggling to solve the pool mishap, exhausted and no longer inclined to swim in the pool. It takes until morning to filter and clean the water, and it\’s boring.
Be smarter and think ahead.