A classic example of the loss of rationality in the online world is the various Internet discussions and comments under posted events, pictures, and statements. These can be both positive and negative, but the negative reactions tend to dominate and tend to succumb to unnatural responses.
The basic “parameters” of the loss of rationality can be characterized in one sentence as follows. \’the behavior of individuals in the Internet environment that they themselves would find objectionable to use in, for example, real or face-to-face encounters.\’
A paradox is also the posting of private pictures, opinions, and feelings. People do not understand the value of privacy and will, for example, publish personal family photos to an unspecified number of people. This can also conflict with their realistic perceptions. Think about it. For example, would you be willing to publish photos of your young children on a supermarket chain\’s public bulletin board? The principle is exactly the same.
Of course, everyone has the right to publish almost anything. But think to yourself whether you have left a brave comment under a newspaper article that you would be too embarrassed to mention in a direct conversation with the person you are talking to. For example, if the article has an opinion that differs from your own, you may not be able to criticize it so aggressively in real life because the person who made that post available to the public via the Internet may actually be sympathetic to you.
Perhaps this attitude could contribute to the development of the online world. We see angry insults, attacks, and hatred on the Internet every day. Of course, in real life it can be quite different than it appears. The gentleman who is unpleasantly and aggressively hurling counter-arguments may actually be a wonderful person who would never behave that way under other circumstances.
If everyone realizes the importance of behaving on the Internet, we will all enjoy a friendly and safe online environment in the future.