The diversity of rail transport can be especially appreciated by model enthusiasts who build panel rails. If they focus on freight transport, they will soon find out how many different types of railway wagons actually exist. Do you know that too?
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Distribution of railway freight wagons

Closed covers– In professional railway terminologythey are called “Zetka”. They are roofed and closed structures for the transport of most goods in the form of shipment or shipment of pieces on pallets that must be protected from weathering They are largely dominating on railways.
Wagon with sliding side– It is an analogue of a covered wagon, the side walls of which can travel long distances and mechanically load goods. They gradually replace the “Zetka”.
High–wall transportation system– Specially adapted conveyors for storing coal, or goods that may not be protected from weathering. They are commonly called “coal”.
Platform vehicles– These are only low specials for loading bulky goods. The car is provided only with a horizontal platform without side and roof cover.
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Low-wall design〜 Similar to the design of the platform, but with sidewalls about 70-100 cm in height. They stabilize the load better, which may not be protected from the adverse effects of the weather.
Oplenový wagon– a special transporter for very long shipments. Their length can exceed even the length of the wagon itself.
Hoppers– These are intended for bulk bulk materials (sand, gravel, soil, etc.).
Tanks– are in the design of tanks and boilers, carrying both liquids and compressed or liquefied gases (propane butane, natural gas, carbon dioxide, acetylene, nitrogen, etc.).
ContainersTransport vehicles – Built as transport tanks with permanently placed or replaceable containers, most commonly for mineral and synthetic oils and technical liquids or chemicals. Some are also used to transport foods such as milk.
Refrigerated and isothermal wagons for the transportation of frozen and refrigerated food.
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Depth– The excessively high cost is outweighed by this route, as the platform between the axles is reduced.
Containers– To carry containers of different volumes and sizes.
Pocket– A semi-trailer of the car is loaded.
RoLa system– A specially adapted vehicle for transporting trucks.
SpecialtyUnclassified Railway line maintenance machinery, e.g. tare, migration, construction, repair, etc.

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