Dating on the Internet is no longer new. Nor is it strange. Just a few years ago, your friends might have made fun of you. Today, however, that is a thing of the past. Experts say that relationships from online dating are of higher quality and even stronger. But of course, there you have to meet someone who wants exactly what you want. There are pros and cons to this type of acquaintance.
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Beware of sarcasm

The written word is very different from the spoken word. The person you are e-mailing will not know what tone of voice you are speaking in, your demeanor or facial expressions. On the Internet, you cannot use all five senses to get to know the other person. Therefore, you need to be careful about what and how you write. Sarcasm and hidden jokes, in particular, may not come across as you intend them to. They may also disappoint or offend the recipient.

“Smileys” can help some, but they don\’t solve everything. You can\’t go wrong if you make use of the email experience. Likewise, focus on explaining yourself adequately. A proper description will help you be found by the right people.

Risk of losing sight of reality

Lies, half-truths, and enhanced information. All of these are to be expected. But it doesn\’t have to be. Just be prepared for what can happen. Be careful what you tell others and don\’t assume they will be what you write. If you are a realist, accept that you will have to filter, assume, and take your time. It may take a long time to find the right person, but the time invested will pay off in the end.
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Future Happiness Algorithm

There are two types of dating sites: one is one where you choose by photo and contact the person of your choice. The other is an application, where you fill out a questionnaire and the program itself finds the right person for you. All you have to do is fill in your preferences, likes, age, gender, occupation, etc.

The app will show you candidates who have the same or similar interests and are a good fit for you. Usually, it will choose people your own age, but if you are looking for someone younger or older, it will take that into consideration as well.

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