You finally have your dream home, but the house is just a building. The walls are bare and there is nothing much to it. You can hardly call such a building a home. Read more and turn your home into the place of your dreams.

Get to know your roommates

Before you can change anything, you first need to get to know the other residents in your new or old home. You need to know what colors they like and what colors they dislike. Finally, we need to think about allergies. Not only about possible flowers and animals, but also about dust. If one of your roommates is allergic to dust mites, you should avoid anything that has so-called dust mites or dust that can make the whole room dusty just by touching it. If you must have such an object, place it in a place where people with dust allergies are unlikely to visit. You should also be wary of roommates who are not very talkative. Roommates also have the right to decide how things look in their own homes.


Flora and fauna

If you are short on time, give unpretentious flowers. If you are in the mood for something more challenging, a pet is an option. You will need to get the consent of all the other residents. Even if only one person objects, you should respect the other residents. Also, pets should not pollute the house or cause problems for others. And above all, you, the owner, should take care of your pet and not leave it to others.



Do not be afraid of color. Not all walls need to be white. Choose your favorite color with others. If you are brave enough, you can even paint them yourself. The Internet is full of tips on how to paint. Don\’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild and enjoy the painting process. Your home will truly be yours because you created it yourself.