Not everyone is a born philanthropist. On the other hand, because we are relatively wealthy, we have an obligation to do more humane things. Some people are poorer than we are. Often those who have little do not hesitate to share what little they have, while those who are not in need are usually stingy with their money. This is no doubt due to the fact that those who know they are in need know what it is like to be in need. It is in that spirit that “a full person does not trust a hungry person.”The “full person does not trust a hungry person.

On the other hand, there are those who want to give, but really have nothing to give. Long-distance adoption does not cost much, but not everyone can afford it. What everyone can afford, however, is definitely the SMS of donation.
studentka ve svetru

Donor SMS can be either one-time or permanent (with the option to stop sending donor SMS at any time, of course); 30, 60, or 90 CZK worth of DMS can be sent one-time or repeatedly; and the donor SMS can be sent to the donor\’s family, or to a friend or relative. On the Darcovskasms website you can find many projects and you can choose who you want to support. The cost is 1 CZK per SMS, and the recipient will receive 29, 59, or 89 CZK from you.

These are not necessarily humanitarian projects. With just a few, you can start helping.

francouzská manikúra

Donors Forum

This website is operated by the Donors Forum, the only national philanthropic association in the Czech Republic. The association has been in operation since 1997 and has a great deal of experience.

The DonorsCasms website is not the only portal; there is also Darujspravne, CenaForadarcu, Dendarcu, etc.

Let us return to Donorsmasms. The project\’s website has a category for DMS projects, where one can choose the area of interest. The fields are as follows.



Education and research

Support for disabled persons

Support for vulnerable groups

Living environment Environment

Older people

Human rights


In each of these areas you will find different projects. Choose the one you want to support.


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