Obtaining a driver\’s license to drive a Group B vehicle has not been difficult in the Czech Republic before. One only needs to enroll in a driving school, pass the driving school, and pass the final exam. These consist of a test and a practical examination. Since it is a test, it is obvious that there is a lot of pressure and stress involved, and many people fail their driving test and practical test in one shot. This is more understandable in the case of driving, since driving school students are under the supervision of a driving instructor, who may take it out on them if they are in a bad mood or sleep deprived. However, if a person were to take the test for the third time, and if he or she failed to pass the test at another driving school, would such a person be allowed to drive in traffic? The mere possibility of basically indefinite driving lessons is a sign of something, and it is no wonder that there will be drivers who will not be able to properly drive a car or know the rules of the road from a driving school.

auto v poli

The problem, especially with young drivers, is that most people at this age are not yet wise. For example, think back to yourself and how you behaved in front of your classmates. But it is different with bicycles and cars. At the moment, a 17-year-old can only ride in a regular car under the supervision of an experienced driver, but is that really a step in the right direction? That year of asking otherwise normally will not make much difference, but may contribute to higher accident rates on the road.

rozbité auto

The biggest problem with driving schools is that many people learn the answers to questions without considering what the situation would be like in real traffic. And when they actually do find themselves in such a situation, they do not know how to solve it. This, of course, leads to accidents that are completely unnecessary. Many people do not know how to behave on the road, are aggressive, do not follow the basics of safe driving, and make fun of others. Such behavior certainly does not belong on the road, and when it does occur, there is always one result, a more or less tragic accident.