When you go to a financial advisor, you expect a quality professional who can advise you on the best things to do with your money. Such a person will know about all the different discounts and offers that you would otherwise have no chance of finding even at the bank counter, saving you a lot of time and ultimately your finances themselves. If you are lucky, you will find such an expert.However, you often end up with dishonest advisors who unnecessarily cancel contracts and sign new ones for a commission.
Is it a profession for everyone?
Becoming a financial advisor is not difficult. You don\’t need a degree in economics or a high school diploma, and sometimes you don\’t even need to pass an exam or receive specialized training in financial market knowledge. And you\’ll probably be at the end of the chain where you won\’t make a lot of money. [because it goes to those above you.

The pyramid system
recruiting financial advisors is oftena multi-level principle.You don\’t get your dream job waiting for you when you pay to join. You will be going around and chasing clients, selling them insurance, loans, and various other financial products, but most importantly, you will be recruiting other people into your group and motivating them with big money and a successful career. There is little time left to give real advice.
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Dependence on high commissions
The more contracts financial advisors sign with their clients, the more commissions they naturally earn. This leads them to sign contracts that are unfavorable to their clients and contracts that are not necessary. Will there be an end to this situation, will commission-hungry firms finally come to an end, and will we finally have access to quality financial advice? For example, an intermediary could receive a one-time commission but have to return a portion of the commission if the client cancels the contract within a certain period of time. After all, customers should be valued, but they should not be allowed to cancel their contracts.

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