There are many owners who use various chlorine-based products to maintain their pools. These products are obviously effective and non-toxic. However, there are also many pool owners who lean toward chlorine-free chemicals. Most of these products are based on active oxygen, which protects the pool from contamination and is good for the bather\’s skin. They are especially suitable where allergies or skin sensitivities are a concern. Because they do not contain chlorine, they do not have the odor common in chlorinated water. Pool owners can enjoy swimming without problems if they use the correct amount and follow the instructions in the package leaflet. Chlorine-free chemicalsare available as concentrated liquid, granular, or oxygen tablets. Whichever form of chlorine-free chemical you choose, there is always an oxygen activator added. This activates the oxygen in the solution, granules, or tablets, and thanks to oxidation, the pool water is always as clear as a dream. Of course, chlorine-free chemicals do not affect the pH of the water and can withstand high water temperatures without losing their effectiveness. Maintenance should be performed throughout the season.

plavec v bazénu

How do I continue to care for my pool?

Swimming pools require thorough and regular care. In addition to chlorine-free chemistry, good filtration is important. When choosing a pool, the amount of water is important. It is definitely important to measure the pH at least once a week with a drop meter. It also pays to add shock treatments to the water on a regular basis. These products kill both plant and animal bacteria.

balonky v bazénu

Winterizing pools

Winterizing a pool should not be taken lightly. Winterizing should be done in the fall when you are certain that you will no longer be in the pool. Ideally, this should be when the temperature is around 12-15 degrees Celsius. Clean the pool and properly clean the filter. Then drain the water to a height 10 to 20 cm below the return jet. Apply winterizing agent to this water. Cover the pool with a tarp. Come spring, you will be glad you winterized the pool properly.