My friend was a really nervous person. I always wondered what made her so nervous. But she was nervous because her son wanted to get his motorcycle license. It was a really big dream for her son, he had always wanted to do it, and he had loved motorcycles since he was a kid. But of course, every parent worries about their child, and she was worried about her son. Of course, she tried to convince her son that a car would be safer for him. The boy is only 18 years old, but he can\’t help himself; he still wants a motorcycle and is still chasing his childhood dream.


My friends, of course, were absolutely horrified as they were in tears imagining what would happen if their son started driving. But this is part of life, and unfortunately, there is nothing you can do if your son or daughter decides to drive a motorcycle like this. I have always told her not to worry, that it will all work out and to drive carefully. Of course, her son got his motorcycle license and is already riding a motorcycle.


So far nothing has happened to her son at all. My son has been riding motorcycles for 6 months now and he is always really scared and keeps telling me over and over again that he is not going to be able to ride. But I have faith that her son will not let her down and will be really happy to have a bike and will ride it safely as he is supposed to. Then those parents will get used to the fact that their child rides a bike and won\’t think otherwise. A small child always needs to be made independent in some way, and you will see that in the end they will be glad to have a great rider in the house. Eventually, they will realize that fear is always there, but then it never is.