In the 1970s, the first courses for seniors were opened at a university in Toulouse, France. Soon, other universities joined this course. This type of education was introduced into the Czech environment 15 years later: in 1986, the first third-generation university opened in Olomouc. It was not until the year 2000 that significant development took place. Currently, 22 universities offer higher education. These universities provide education in the natural and social sciences to 50,000 people. Technical, scientific, and cultural studies are also frequently taken by advanced students. In recent years, English, law, psychology, and health studies have been the most popular courses.
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Third-Generation Colleges

Anyone who has graduated from a third-generation college and wishes to continue their personal development after retirement may apply to study at a third-generation college. The doors are open to those who have not yet completed their studies. A high school diploma is not a requirement for admission. All are given the opportunity to spend meaningful time with their peers. It should be noted that young people who receive full disability pensions can also attend Sansei University.
Přednáškový sál
– The first requirement for admission to a tertiary university is the correct and timely completion of an application for admission for the academic year.
– For multi-academic year programs, separate applications must be submitted for each academic year. For multi-semester programs, applicants must enroll for both the summer and winter semesters.
– An applicant may select any number of programs.
– Applicants pay only an enrollment fee, the amount of which is determined by the Vice President for the entire academic year.
A final thesis is required as a condition of completing all academic years. Diplomas are usually awarded in a ceremony attended by the college\’s management.

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